Gorm Alex Petersen
Osteopat DO M.R.O.DK
Autoriseret Osteopat
Indehaver af AP Sundhedscenter start 2001
Partner i AP Power Pilates
Vejrtrækning, Krop & Sind, Ryg/Nakke, skulder og Multi Traumer.
D.O. M.R.O.DK Osteopat 2010
Fysioterapeut Skodsborg Fysioterapiskole 2001
D.O. Osteopat 5 årig uddannelse IAO Denmark. :
Manipulation,Muscle energy tech,Body adjustment,Softtissue tech,
Strain / Counterstrain,Viceral mob, Fascial tech,Hemodynamic,Cranial/Sakral,Cranio/Mandibular tech,Bio- Energetics,Psykosomatic tech,Applied kinesiologi.
Medicinsk akupunktur,Sportstape tech, McKenzie A+B, M
Still More Institute:
Biochemical Tools for osteopaths
Osteopathy for babies and children: The essential
Osteopathy and pregnancy
BBarrel Institute:
Viceral Manipulation (Peripheral nerves)
Art of living:
The happiness program (Part 1)
The art of silence (Part 2)
European Association for somatic Experiencing:
3 årig uddannelse i Somatic Experiecing (SE-terapi)
Somatic Experiecing Practitioner (SEP)
OsteopathieSchule Deutschland:
Trauma, ANS and Osteopathy
Die Arbeit mit Trauma am hierarchischen Gehir
Neurolog Academy by Dr. Philip Eckardt MD 2023
Neuroanatomy,functional neurology and neurofunctional integration of the central and peripheral nervous system
Buteyko Clinic International by Patrick McKeown
Cert. Buteyko Instructor International 2023